Tuesday, May 28, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: Miriam Thor's Interview



Miriam Thor won the Story of Excellence Award in the oDDbALL chapter for


BAM: Where are you located?

Miriam: Ardmore, Alabama in the United States


BAM: Tell me about your writing space.

Miriam: Home, usually on the futon in the study.


BAM: What's your greatest achievement in writing?

Miriam: My first novel was published in 2022. It took over a decade to go from the idea stage to publication.


BAM: What's the greatest writing award you hope to win?

Miriam: I would love to win a Carol Award, the highest honor given by the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) association.

BAM: When did you realize you liked writing?

Miriam: Second grade. I had a teacher who encouraged me to write to my heart’s content, and I never stopped.


BAM: What writing of yours might a reader enjoy?

Miriam: A reader who likes contemporary young adult Christian fiction set in the American South will enjoy my book Listening to the Rain, which they can find at https://www.amazon.com/Listening-Rain-Miriam-Thor-ebook/dp/B09VS27PHW.


BAM: How do you handle story rejection, and celebrate acceptance?


With rejections, I tend to let myself have a few minutes to really feel the disappointment, especially if it’s from a publisher I had high hopes for. Then, I immediately start looking for somewhere else to submit my story/manuscript and submit it as soon as I can. Knowing I’m still pursuing publication really helps me.

BAM: What of acceptances?

Miriam: For acceptances, I tend to go get ice cream or another sweet treat with my husband. If it’s a story I’m especially excited about, we might go out to eat. I also text my parents and close friends to let them know.


BAM: Tell me about your story outline process. 

Miriam: First, I come up with a general idea for the type of story I want to write, such as a fantasy story that includes a dragon. Then, I get to know my characters. I figure out their names, personalities, and relationships with each other. Once I have a solid handle on my characters, I do a broad outline of the major plot points. For a short story, I write from that outline. For a novel, I go back and add details to each plot point/chapter in the outline as I get to it.



Miriam Thor graduated from Gardner-Webb University. Currently, she resides in Alabama with her husband and cats. She is employed as a sign language interpreter at an elementary school. Her previous publications include Listening to the Rain, two novellas, and several short stories.


Social media:

Author website: https://miriamthor17.wixsite.com/author

Twitter/X: https://x.com/Miriam_Thor17

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063738865282

TikTok: @miriamthor17_author

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