Wednesday, January 5, 2022

42 Stories Anthology: Down to the final 99

One major difference between Project 42 Stories Anthology and other anthologies is that no other ones have so many stories in one book. 

The goal started with a simple aim: 1,764 stories and an equal number of authors in one book of 42-word stories within 42 chapters. By simple, I meant ambitious. 
("Clark on the hill," Made by Tando Saka, 1920-1998, built in 1976).

After realizing that it would take too long to get so many unique writers in one book, I let current authors send up to 4 stories each with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, stories being under unique nom de plumes, and kept posting a call in submissions from July 2018 to now. 

Currently, we only need about 99 stories out of 1,764. It really hasn't been that long of a wait either. 

Categories still opened:

Hitchhiker's Guide to History: Both historical nonfiction or fiction are fine.



Sword & Sorcery
And the Craft of Writing. Click the link for details.
Hope you send something soon.