Saturday, May 25, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: J. J. Hyphen-Hyphen Interview


J. J. Hyphen-Hyphen won an Honorable Mention Award in the Werewolf chapter for 



BAM: Where are you located? 

Hyphen: Dothan, Alabama.

BAM: What were your pen names in the anthology? 

Hyphen: J. J. Hyphen-Hyphen, Christopher von Scribble.


BAM: Where is your writing space? 

Hyphen: Home office at desk with computer.


BAM: Who are some of the best authors in your opinion?

HyphenMark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Portis, David McCollough.

BAM: How about artists?

HyphenMary Cassatt and John Singer Sargent.


BAMDo you have a writer circle?

Hyphen: Wiregrass Writers Group. Sometimes a Circle, sometimes a semicircle, sometimes a triangle. But always supportive and helpful.

BAM: Yeah, writer triangles are way underrated. Now let's talk about readers. Who do you write to when you picture your reader? In other words, who is your target audience?  

Hyphen: My target audience are complete strangers. I like to imagine they have a sense of humor.

BAM: Living in Japan, I'm always weary of jokes because someone will belly laugh at a joke and then turn around and say they didn't get it, and they hate you. Getting someone to laugh, really laugh, is tough. That's why a good drink is important to have handy, right? Are you a coffee or tea or something else sort? 

Hyphen: Orange spice green tea.

BAM: Good one. I didn't fully appreciate good tea until moving to Japan. Highly recommend their teas. Let's get back to your writing. What inspires you to write?

Hyphen: I listen to or watch geniuses perform (or someone performing their work) or look at images of their work and try to channel that creativity into writing.

BAM: Hope some novices see your answer. It's useful for those who might struggle to find inspiration. That said, how do you handle story rejection?

Hyphen: With rejections, I generally sulk for three days, kick objects in my way, and mutter disagreeable things to anyone around me. 

BAM: What about when a story gets accepted?

Hyphen: With acceptances, I copy all evidence, including a check if I’m that lucky, and put it all into my “feelgood file”. Then I jump around the house excitedly until I break something or sprain an ankle.

BAM: "Feelgood file"? Great idea. If you had a choice between writing one really memorable, widely acclaimed story of 2000 words or having sixteen so-so books published, which would you choose?

Hyphen: I would like to say the single great story, but it would sure be nice to have a book with my name on the front and my picture on the back. So I’ll get back to you on that one.



The author was the adored son of Alexander Hyphen and Alexandra Hyphen. Yes, they were cousins. Is that so terrible? His odd musings and the excrements of his pen have been rejected by some of the most prominent journals in the land.


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