Friday, May 31, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: Debbie Wingate Interview


Debbie Wingate won the Story of Excellence Award in the Tragedy chapter for



BAM: Hi, Debbie. Where are you located?

Debbie: USA. Gresham, Oregon

BAM: Where’s your writing space?

Debbie: Home office

BAM: Historically, famous writers say that you need to read to be a successful writer. What are some of your top books? 

Debbie: Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice, Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean Koontz, The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

BAM: Interview with a Vampire brings back memories. It was one of my sister’s favorites, too. By the way, do you have a writer circle?

Debbie: The Facebook group, Writing Prompts and Critiques has netted me a small group of writers to share, critique and encourage each other.

BAM: Sounds like a great way to strategize and organize your writing. So, who do you write to when you picture your reader, or who is your target audience? 

Debbie: Interesting question. I never see the reader until after it’s finished. During the process, I’m completely inside the head of the main character, so my goal is to tell an interesting story that is also believable.   

BAM: Okay. Non writing question time. Coffee or tea or something else? 

Debbie: Wine

BAM: I’m making some Japanese plum wine now. It takes about a year minimum until it’s drinkable, but worth the wait. Highly recommended. Now for another writing question. Please elaborate as much as you want. How do you handle story rejection, and celebrate acceptance? 

Debbie: I’m bummed when a story is rejected, but am encouraged when it comes with feedback so I can improve it for the next submission. Acceptances are quietly celebrated, being grateful that my efforts were appreciated and recognized.

BAM: I see. Why don’t you tell me about your story outline process? 

Debbie: None. I write when my characters start conversations in my head.  Occasionally, I will look for photos to help get a clearer picture of them, but I don’t outline or write the complete story beforehand. I did that once, and got so bored I didn’t finish it. My characters weren’t talking to me because I had stolen their 2 am conversation moments. It was a sad experience and I vowed to never attempt to be organized again. 


Published works include a self-published memoir and short work of fiction. Stories in anthologies: Apocalypse Dark Drabbles #6, Black Hare Press; Circle of Magic, WPC Press; Holiday Spirit, WPC Press. And, of course, a story featured here in the 42 Stories Anthology.

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