Saturday, August 17, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: S.A. Robbins Interview


Video version


S. A. ROBBINS received his MFA in Writing from Warren Wilson College in 1986; his collection of short stories about Silicon Valley, The System is a Mirror, was published by John Wiley & Sons in 2007. 

Stuart’s stories and poems have appeared in Aiki-News, PoetryNOW, Paragraph, Ararat, PocketPal, Berkeley Poets Cooperative, Amazing Stories, The Jewish Ledger, Having Been There (a Scribner & Sons anthology), and, most recently, the upcoming anthology, 42.  In 2022, his poem 3 Lines Beginning with a Line by Bruce Weigl (Pulse & Echo, Volume 2) was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Stuart is currently working on a series of interconnected novellas, tentatively entitled, STILL LIFE & Other Stories.

Image credit: and Microsoft PowerPoint
Find some of Stuart's works here:
Recent Prose:
Also: (literary magazine he founded/edited)

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