Saturday, August 10, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: Jaz Meeks Interview



Jaz Meeks was Story of Excellence Award Winner in the Sword & Sorcery Chapter for THE QUIETING WHISPERS OF EVIL’S FINAL DAYS under their real name, Christian Meeks



Jaz received his bachelor’s in English from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, with an emphasis in creative writing and British literature. He lives with his wife, daughter, and two dogs, spending his time stopping the dogs from barking at the neighbors.




BAM: Where are you?

Jaz: St. Louis, Missouri, USA


BAM: Where is your writing space?

Jaz: Home or work.


BAM: Let’s start with some icebreaker questions. Do you enjoy coffee or tea or something else?

Jaz: I enjoy both coffee and tea but in different situations. I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes decaf with dessert. I drink tea (mainly Earl Grey or something floral) throughout the day when I am either struggling with a sore throat or just want a little kick of caffeine.


BAM: As you like tea, I highly recommend matcha. It’s said to extend your life and if you like black coffee, it has a similar bitter taste. Okay, why don’t you name some books you read recently.

Jaz: I have been rereading Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere books, primarily the Stormlight Archives. I love epic fantasy, and you can’t get much more “epic” than that.


BAM: Fantasy is cool. Will check it out. Let’s talk about your writing. Do you play music, or watch shows or movies to find inspiration?

Jaz: As strange as it might sound, I get more distracted when writing if I am listening to music. I usually put on a TV I’ve seen countless times as background noise (The Office, Parks and Rec, etc.) to help me focus on what I’m working on. If I do listen to music, I have a playlist of movie scores.


BAM: It’s actually not strange. Sometimes, when I’m working on something, including writing up this interview, I play a movie that I won’t have to pay attention to as mindless noise. Some of the movies are so bad that I wouldn’t normally watch them. All right, let’s get into your actual stories. Who do you write to when you picture your reader? That is, who is your target audience?

Jaz: To be honest, when I write, I try to focus on what I enjoy. I ask myself if it is something I would pull off a shelf and read. I want to write the book I want to read.


BAM: You make a lot of sense. I tell my students, who try to read scripts during their presentations, to give the presentation they would want to watch. Give the story your want to read. Very similar. So, as an experienced writer, why don’t you give some advice on overcoming writer’s block?

Jaz: Whenever I get writer’s block, I try to take a step back from whatever it is I am working on and try something different. Sometimes, that means I just free-write whatever comes to my brain at the moment and then store that document in a special folder. Sometimes, those free-write notes can be used later, but usually, it’s just a way to cleanse my writing palate. I sometimes also try to look for little writing exercises online completely unrelated to what I am currently working on. Again, it just serves to clear my mind from what I am struggling with and get me back into the flow of writing something on a page. Other than that, I keep a note on my phone for writing ideas and add to it every time something pops into my head. Even if it’s 3 in the morning and the idea woke me up.


BAM: Good to keep the momentum. Tell me about writing goals.

Jaz: Ultimately, I want to write an epic fantasy. I want to write a series as memorable as Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire and perhaps even see my work adapted onto the screen. It’s a lofty goal, but the higher we aim, the more we have to work to achieve it. My daily writing goals at the moment are to keep working little by little each day to get something onto the page. Sometimes, it’s writing a backstory for a character; sometimes, it’s writing a particular scene that pops into my mind at the moment. The goal is just to get something written. Having words on a page makes it so much easier to then get into the flow and piecing together a narrative. If I want to create an epic fantasy, each little step is crucial.


BAM: Good luck with the saga and keep me informed about it. Also, thank you for your time. Keep up with Jaz on X: @meeksological and keep your eyes peeled for their award-winning story in 42 Stories Anthology Presents: Book of 42².


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