Saturday, August 10, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: Lisa Gutierrez Interview


Lisa Gutierrez was an Honorable Mention Award Winner in the Sports Chapter under the pen name L. M. Gutierrez for BASEBALL: YOU WIN SOME, AND YOU LOSE SOME


Lisa Marie Gutierrez started taking courses with Long Ridge Writers Group back in 2012. She's been published in many publications since, including Blink-Ink and The Ocotillo Review, just to name a few. She was born in California, where she still resides today, with her husband and two box turtles. 

Within the anthology, she has another story in the Sports Chapter under Lisa Marie Lopez, which is her real name. That story is 


Additionally, she has two other stories, in the Clown and Romance chapters, respectively titled



(Joy L. Santos) 



(Dayna Rae Summers)


BAM: Lisa, where in California are you located?

Lisa: Concord.


BAM: Oh. You probably have consistent cool weather. I live in Japan. Summers have the same heat and humidity as Texas, and are freezing like in New York during the winter. So, where’s your writing space?
Lisa: Home and sometimes Coffee Houses. Starbucks: one of my faves.

BAM: Sounds relaxing. A lot of people criticize Starbucks, but they welcome writers, and recycle, so they're fine in my book. Let’s start with some icebreakers. What are your go-to foods?
Lisa: I have always been a foodie. Hard to narrow it down. I love just about anything. Stand-outs include: Lasagna (particularly my Mom's), cheese enchiladas, pizza, hot dogs (particularly my dad's barbecue ones), buttermilk pancakes, Spaghetti with my Mom's Christmas sauce (passed down from my Nana). My husband's sauté dishes (veggies over pasta). Coffee.  

BAM: Something tells me that you love and appreciate whatever your family makes for you.  So nice. Okay, let's turn to music. Tell me about some bands and artists you like.
Lisa: Some of my favorite bands/artists include: The Beatles, Billy Joel, Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins.

BAM: Great bands. I just learned something recently that may interest you. Billy Joel’s famous song “Big Shot” was about Mick Jagger and wife’s relationship. Actually, Billy Joel is also an actor. On that note, do you have any favorite shows or movies?
Lisa: My favorite T.V. shows are: Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Dennis the Menace, Party of Five, My So-Called Life. My Favorite movies are: South Pacific, Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, A League of their Own, and The Sound of Music. 

BAM: Some epic titles in there. I was surprised to learn the correlation between The Sound of Music and the holocaust. Okay, on a lighter note, what are some sweets you like between your writing?
Lisa: Cake. Soft warm chocolate chip cookies dipped in milk. Donuts. Milky Way candy bar. Hostess. 

BAM: So, sugar in any form? Guess that’ll give you a jolt into your writing. Speaking of which, let’s move into the topic of winning some and losing some in the form of writing. How do you handle rejection and celebrate acceptance?
Lisa: Whenever I get a rejection, I simply let it be and move on. I focus on my currant piece. Often, I'll submit a rejected piece to another publication, and many times, I will get an acceptance! What I have learned about submitting is to never assume a piece will get accepted, and to never expect anything. To this day, whenever I get an acceptance, it's still the greatest feeling in the world!

BAM: Good to stay driven. How do you deal with writer’s block?
Lisa: My absolute favorite thing to do in this world is write ... so whenever I get stuck with writer's block, it's a bummer. I'm going through it now, in fact. There's not really an immediate solution for me. I've learned to just let it be and be patient. Sometimes I will get out my notebook and jot down ideas. Other times I will simply take a walk or watch T.V. I just have to tell myself it will pass, because it always does, eventually! 


BAM: Thank you for your time. Find links to Lisa’s writing and follow her here

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