Sunday, September 8, 2024

Celebrating the Life of Two Lost Friends: A 42² Blog

It's never easy to lose someone you care about, and over the past year I've lost several friends. 

Most recently, the losses were two of the staff members who helped with the 42 Stories Anthology.  

Among the Project 42² team were Karen L. Milstein (story editor and proofreader) 

 and Terry Groves (main critique partner, formatting editor, and co-proofreader). 

 Terry suddenly passed away August 23, 2024. He was 65. Obituary

The news was devastating. In celebration of his life, I made this video dedicated to Terry. 

When learning of the tragic news, I checked up on Karen. Last I heard, she was receiving chemo. Her family contact hadn't emailed me, and previously, I thought no news was good news. Only, upon checking up on her this past weekend, I learned that Karen had succumbed to cancer on July 3, 2023. She was 68. Obituary.

Terry and Karen were core members of the project. Whenever someone was negative about Project 42², they were championing it and encouraging me to move forward and get the project done. 

Karen, along with the award-winner in the Poetic Prose chapter, gave great feedback, which was to change the name of the chapter from Poetry & Prose to Poetic Prose, because the latter is what the genre should be called. 

Then, while under chemo treatment, Karen asked if she could continue to proofread one of the final drafts of the anthology. She did get to read the finalized version. However, she was too sick to continue on with the project during the last two years. Her work on it since 2018 will not be forgotten. When you get 42 Stories Anthology Presents: Book of 42², take a look at the Parent chapter cover of a mother cat feeding her kittens. That art piece was selected because Karen loved cats. She and her husband had several.

Where Karen left off with Project 42², Terry and others picked up. In total, the anthology had four proofreaders. 

That said, when Terry got to the book, he had mentioned it looked great based on Karen's edits. He then designed the contents sections and alphabetized them by last name for each of the 42 chapters. A final touch of Terry's was suggesting that we highlight the Story of Excellence Winner's in a special box so that the story sticks out within the chapter. 

Both Karen and Terry left a mark not only in my life, but in the world with stories you can find. 

As for the anthology, Karen's  
OUR CHILDREN COME IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES, is No. 32 of the Tragedy chapter, under Karen L. Milstein. 

Terry has three works in the book:
A FAIR DAY’S FARE ON THE WAY TO THE AFFAIR, which is No. 21 in the Thriller/Suspense chapter, under Grumpy Old Man

THE SECRETS WE KEEP AND THE DAMAGE THEY DO, which is No. 38 in the Humor chapter, under Grandpa Tiger

THE COLDEST DAY EVER EXPERIENCED IN AUGUST, which is No. 15 in the Humor chapter, under Terry Groves

The three are well-told stories, but the last one under his real name is the best in my opinion because so much happens in 42 words, and there's a solid ending. 

They have more writing that immortalizes them, and I highly recommend that if you want to know about these wonderful human beings, read what they left behind.

Karen's books are on Amazon here. Her favorite of the stories was one with a dragon named Fergus. She wrote Sky Clad Radine, Sky Clad Jalma, Sky Clad Rydul, and the one mentioned, Fergus and the Princess.

Everything Terry-related is on his Linked Tree here. His works available are 
Down the Tiger's Throat, Quest for Gold, Cruising Along, and The Summer of Grumps.

When you appreciate someone in your life, let them know while they're around. My friends who are now gone knew they were appreciated. They appreciated me, too, and it leaves me both sad they're gone, and stronger for knowing such extraordinary people.

Remember, to remember

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