Saturday, June 8, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: Lorisha Adams Interview


Lorisha Adams was the Story of Excellence Award Winner in the Fairy Tale chapter for




BAM: Where are you now, Lorisha?

Lorisha: Columbus, Ohio in the USA.


BAM: Where is your writing space?

Lorisha: Home Office.


BAM: What works and writers inspire you?


I love literary and historical fiction; reading about different time periods is an otherworldly experience. Hiliary Mantel, Sue Monk Kidd, Toni Morrison.


BAM: Ah, Toni Morrison. She wrote a book called Jazz in 1992 that’s been on my to-read list for far too long. A magnificent writer, as were the others you mentioned. I appreciate their passion and unique narrative voices. Okay, before we delve into the writer that is you, Lorisha, tell me about some foods you enjoy.


I love junk foods (i.e. cookies, ice cream, cake), but I’m trying to give all that up for healthier options


BAM: It’s hard to avoid junk food. It’s not about motivation, as some believe, but discipline and drive. I have to tell myself that it isn’t part of my plan and move forward when a donut or hamburger ad temps me. Takes a lot of willpower. How about we discuss something else before I start thinking of ice cream? Tell me about your musical preferences.


I love all types of music, everything, except country, for some reason I can’t just listen to country


BAM: There’s always one good artist, but I hear yeah. What about cinema? What pulls you in?


I like horror films and cooking shows, both are filled with messy gore that someone has to clean up.


BAM: You got me laughing now. I’ll envision a gory mess the next time I’m cooking. All right. Coffee or tea?


Both! Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon


BAM: Finally! Someone says both! Same here. So, Lorisa, tell me when did you realize you liked writing.


When I first held a pencil in my hand, maybe age two? I liked the way it felt and the marks it made on the paper.


BAM: Poetically stated. Rhythmic in fact. By chance, while writing, do you play music?

Lorisha: Yes, music to fit the genre or just general sounds to help me focus.


BAM: What deceased or living writer do you want to meet?


Authors bell hooks and Hilary Mantel


BAM: Interesting. Mantel was a Booker Prize winner in 2009 and 2012. What's the greatest writing award you hope to win?


Don’t all writers hope for a Pulitzer?


BAM: Pulitzer’s are okay. I’d be happy with a Pushcart win, though. Tell me about your story outline process. 


I guess I’m a “panster”. I don’t use an outline. The first draft is the outline. I write it out and then fix it up. I cannot outline a story from start to finish. I tried outlining a few times. Those stories never got written.


BAM: What you said has truth to it. The first draft is in many ways an outline, even if some writers don’t realize it. Could you tell me about how you organize writing in your life?


I probably should do it more religiously. If I were getting paid for it, I would. I think that’s where writers get confused. Should I force myself to wake at 4am to write every day? Why would I if I’m not getting paid to do it? Many may disagree with me, but if you’re a paid writer you should be writing religiously. If you’re trying to get a writing job, you should be writing religiously. If you’re trying to get published, you should be writing religiously. If you are not currently on those tracks, you write as your conscience dictates.



Lorisha Adams lives to write and writes to live. She has a BA in Human Services and is a member of the Ohio Writers Association.

Literary Mama


Rigorous Magazine


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