Greetings writers!
UPDATED August 19, 2022
We've received a number of emails from excited writers
asking, “When will the anthology come out?” We will no longer be able to answer related questions, as this blog has the answer.
The answer is: 2024
Below are the number of stories we’ve added to the book so
far, and in parenthesis are how many we need:
Stories Needed
UPDATED August 19, 2022
Below are the number of stories we’ve added to the book so far, and in parenthesis are how many we need:
Craft of Writing (three needed) details: If you have won any awards in writing, or are a publisher, agent, or editor, help other writers (e.g., sending submission calls) and do not have stories in the anthology already, you can submit to this category. More details and a Q&A on the Craft of Writing category here:
Total accepted: 1,761 or 1764 stories
Alternate Reality: 42
Apocalyptic: 42
Clown: 42
Crime: 42
Culture: 42
Dystopia & Utopia: 42
Escape: 42
Fairy Tale: 42
Fantasy: 42
Fight: 42Hitchhiker's Guide to History: 42
Horror: 42
Humor: 42
Impairment: 42Indigenous: 42
Macabre & Morbid: 42
Monster: 42Mystery: 42
Myth: 42
Noir: 42
Oddball: 42
Outer Space: 42
Paranormal: 42
Parent: 42
Poetic Prose: 42
Romance: 42
Satire: 42
Science Fiction: 42
Siblings: 42Sports: 42Steampunk: 42Sword & Sorcery: 42
Thriller & Suspense: 42
Tragedy: 42
Trapped: 42
Travel: 42
Vampire: 42
War: 42
Western: 42Werewolf: 42Zombie: 42
Trapped: 42