Monday, May 27, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: S. L. Kretschmer

S. L. Kretschmer won the Runner Up Award in the Clown chapter for



BAM: S. L., could you tell readers what other pen names you used in the anthology so that they can read more of your works in the book? 

S.L.: S. Lee Kay and S. L. Briese


BAM: Where are you located? 

S. L.: South Australia.


BAM: Nice. I've got friends in Australia. Where is your writing space?

S. L.: My home


BAM: What are some of your favorite books?

S. L.: The Bell Jar, Boy Swallows Universe.

BAM: Just read The Bell Jar. It opened up some wounds about my sister, but it's good to get a different perspective of life. Who are some of your favorite artists?

S. L.: Margaret Preston, Frida Kahlo.

BAM: What are you go-to drinks as you write or relax? 

S. L.: Japanese, Vietnamese, Champagne

BAM: I'm making some umeshu now for the first time. It takes a year or so. By the way, what are some places you like?

S. L.: Hoi An, London, Flinders Chase (Kangaroo Island).


BAM: Going to remember the last one for when I visit Australia. Do you have a writer circle?

S. L.:

I’ve been a part of the most amazing online writing group for several years. It was through a writing competition that I was introduced to the group, and the support, genuine care, commiserations and cheering on have been instrumental in my writing journey. I’m excited to say there are several fellow members who also feature in this wonderfully inventive anthology.


BAM: Great to know. The goal of this book was to overall publish writers. Many writers struggle, and I wanted to motivate them to try. On that note, if you ever get writer's block, how do you overcome it?

S. L.:

I find entering competitions where prompts are provided is the best remedy for me to get the creative juices flowing. I don’t feel so much pressure to come up with something ‘novel’ myself, but rather let the prompt gods decide where my story should go.


BAM: Great advice, which I hope readers, who are writers, too, try. What was the first story you ever wrote about? 

S. L.: One of my first stories was written when I had just begun my BA in Creative Writing. It was a story for children, and the lecturer wrote (amongst other things) that I should consider sending it to The School Magazine, a periodical that goes out to public school children in New South Wales. I submitted it, and several months later found out that it was accepted. The story was illustrated and featured on the front cover of the issue. It was a rude shock to discover over the years that getting published is a lot harder than my initial first submission!



S. L. Kretschmer is a Zumba loving librarian who tries hard not to confuse the two; sometimes without success. She has a BA in Creative Writing and Grad. Cert. in Museum studies. This manifests itself in a penchant for story-telling and exploring museums.


Social media links: X (formerly Twitter) @SLKay4


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