Monday, May 27, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Presents: Glenna Turnbull Interview


Glenna Turnbull won the Runner Up Award Winner in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to History chapter for 



BAM: Hi, Glenna. Where are you located?

Glenna: Kelowna, BC, Canada

BAM: Where is your writing space?

Glenna: Wherever I am with my laptop.


BAM: Tell me some random favorites of yours.

Glenna: My favourite authors are Michael Crummey, Michael Ondaatje, Esi Edugyan and Mirian Toews. My favourite drink is water and my favourite place and island is Newfoundland.


BAM: Interesting. Coffee or tea or something else?

Glenna: Tea.


BAM: Okay. Now, about writing. Writers, whether they realize it or not, have a message for readers. Is there something you passionately want the human race to stop doing, which might appear in your writing?

Glenna: There are SO many things I wish we would stop doing, but wars and polluting the planet are key.


BAM: I feel like if humans dealt with pollution, many wars would end. Not all, though. What’s the best way to write?

GlennaTo actually sit and write and accept the fact you will have a shitty first draft.


BAM: True. How do you relax?

Glenna: Knitting and spinning wool.


BAM: Hmm. What's your greatest achievement in writing?

Glenna: I just had my debut novel accepted for publication by the publishing house I was hoping for.


BAM: Great news. Let me know when I can read it. What inspires you to write?

Glenna: It’s not so much what inspires me, it’s more like a compulsion to write. I’ve been writing since I was a child when my grandfather would take me up to his study with my brother and sister, and we’d make up funny stories.


BAM: A wonderful grandfather to push laughter and creativity on you. So, as a writer, what do you do to overcome writer's block?

Glenna: The best way to get over writer’s block is to do something else creative or go for a long walk in the forest with no distractions—no phone, no music, just walking in the trees. 


Glenna’s short fiction has appeared in many literary magazines. She won the 2023 Jacob Zilber Fiction prize and has a short story in the upcoming Best Canadian Short Fiction 2025. Her novel, Finding Sally’s Cove, is due out shortly with Breakwater Press.


Social media:

@WriteBrainGirl on X

@glennaturn on Instagram

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